School Mobile App
Enhance your brand and engage your students and parents
Imagine having a singular platform for parents, students, and alumni to quickly find everything they’re looking for. Here is an idea of some different possible ways an app will work for your school.

The homepage will showcase the most important items so every user can quickly choose the option they’re looking for.
Every aspect of the app will be controlled, updated and ran through a simple website dashboard.
You can see some popular options, but we custom make the app to do anything your school needs.
Below we will see additional details about each section of the app
Remember this is just an idea, everything will be totally customizable to meet your needs

The calendar will show ALL school events and will be easy to use. Events can be color coded based on categories. Users will be able to select the categories they are interested in (we can add more categories if needed).

Calendar categories
- Events: For each event there will be a section that shows how many volunteers are needed. When the user clicks the tab it will take them to the Volunteer section.
- Preschool
- Lower School
- Middle School
- Upper School
- Athletics
- Beyond The Classroom
- Staff Birthdays: There will be a quick-link that will take users directly to staff’s favorites page.
- Choose one or multiple people who can create events.
- Show the event organizer if you would like.
- We can add a more details option if needed.

The news section will be the place for anything newsworthy. Essentially this section will work as your all encompassing blog post, and can be uploaded to the app whenever you want. Staff can categorize the post so that a user can select the categories they are most interested in.

The directory section can list staff and parents. Below are just some different options that can be included.
- Name
- Current position
- Bio
- What campus they work on
- Contact information
- Favorites (in case people want to purchase gifts)
- Name
- Occupation
- Phone Number
- Business Listing (so other parents can support them)

All the forms you need can be listed and filled out. If you need us to set up an API connection, we can do that as long as your SAAS provider offers it.
For Example: You have a field trip that requires forms to be filled out. They can also make the payment directly in the app.

Anything volunteer related will be seen here. This is the one place to know what events need volunteers. It will allow parents to submit their hours and see how many hours they have accumulated.

3 main sections:
Users can see how many hours they have accumulated.
After an event the user can submit their hours
This section will show a list of every event that requires volunteers and the details of the events.
- Event Name
- Event Details
- Date
- Location
- Time
- Available Slots
Users can sign up directly for an event on the app.
Available slots will show “Sign Up” until someone volunteers.
Once a user volunteers the slot will show their name.

The user will be able to quickly view and purchase the hot lunch option they want. We can show a week of options or more if you prefer.

Get all the details and make a purchase:
- Day of the week
- Image of lunch (optional)
- What meals are available
- Details of the meal
- Make the purchase
The chef will be able to login and choose the meal he is offering and and add all the details he needs like the day, the item, the image, the price, the details etc.
The Chef will be able to provided all the details of the meal:
- Day of the week
- Amount of orders (for all options offered that day)
- Name of student, classroom etc.
All the items will be stored so they can be used again for another day.

A place for anyone to make a donation. We can accept payments directly from the APP.

Quickly fill out a form when a child is not going to miss school. There can be different categories if needed.

The links section provides users quick website links outside the app. We can add as many links as needed.

A place for parents to post information they think would benefit the entire school community. Maybe an upcoming charity event.

Users can see videos uploaded from the staff. This will work similar to adding a blog post and categorizing it properly. If needed this could also be a part of the news section.

Alerts are more of an emergency section that goes out to everyone other than alumni. If needed this could also be a part of the news section.
Settings & Sign Up
Every user will need to create an account, and they will be able to adjust their account settings whenever needed. They will be able to opt in for push notifications when they are setting up their account.
Choose: (one option) Parent – Student – Alumni
Provide: Name, email address, child’s name(s), child’s class(s)
Customize: Create custom settings
Investment Options
The total investment will be determined based on the needs of your school. Contact us right away to schedule a meeting to discuss your app needs.